• Polski
  • Czeski
  • Słowacki
  • Angielski
Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot

Protection of large carnivores

Distribution and abundance

The autochthonic, Carpathian population of lynx in Slovakia is defined as stable and secure.

The Slovak population of lynx constitutes the core of the north – western range of the species in the Carpathian Mountains. The status and conditions of the population settling in the neighboring countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary- depend on the size of the Slovak population .

The majority of the Slovak lynxes live in the mountain ranges of central and south Slovakia. Regular monitoring of the population is used in few regions only. According to the most recent information on the state of the species prepared for the European Commission, their population is estimated at around 302-410 individuals (Anonymous, 2012c).