• Polski
  • Czeski
  • Słowacki
  • Angielski
Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot

Protection of large carnivores

Unfavorable forest structure

Research conducted in the Białowieża Forest (Podgórski et al., 2008) have shown that the possibility for lynx to realize its basic biology and behavior depends on appropriate structure of forest environment:

  • large habitat variety (presence of a mosaic of different types of forest, forest clearings, stands with varying degrees of density, thickets,
  • diversified structure of the forest floor, particularly the presence of dense undergrowth) a large amount of dead wood in the form of fallen trunks and windfallen trees,
  • a large amount of dead wood in the form of fallen trunks and windfallen trees.

They provide a safe hiding lace and enhance lynx’s hunting success by allowing a close approach to its main prey - ungulates.

The majority of forests in Poland do not meet these requirements and have a simplified age structure, a few species and not many layers. It has been suggested that the poor structure of the forest areas in conjunction with their ongoing fragmentation is the most important factor limiting the dispersion of this species in Poland.